Friday, May 21, 2010

Economic hardship is not a valid reason to stop censorship; we really need to keep censorship. Especially as parents we need to support censorship and we need to stop our children from listening to songs with so much violence, sex, drugs and bad language. I also don't think censorship hurts the song, but I actually think it makes it better when the artist has to take its song and change it for the better. We also as parents need to take time and listen to what our kids are listening to and believe me there is a lot of music that isn't good for our children to listen to. Who is to say exactly what this type of music is doing to our children's minds and only our children will show us in time. If these songs don't continue to get censored our children will be affected. We as parents are willing to take the chance and as parents I strongly believe we aren't ready to take that chance. We all need to support censorship and we need to fight together against violent, drugs, sex and bad language music, so we see we need to hold onto censorship. Have we all actually heard how bad some of these songs are? I can't even stand hearing the bad language. I can't believe the music industry approves such music. The music industry itself has to want to help censor these types of music. "George Bernard Shaw views censorship as an inherently conservative action, which is performed by those who desire to preserve tradition. He pointed out that morality is a phenomenon dependent on the majority". (219,4) Till this day controversial lyrics haven't been blamed or actually proven that it causes our society's ills and there have been a lot of attempts towards blaming the actual music and such efforts haven't been successful. People feel that it's okay for our children to listen to such terrible and troublesome music and that it won't harm our children in anyway. Let's ask ourselves do we believe that to be so? I myself believe strongly that this type of music does affect our children one way or another. I'm not saying all children, but I believe there are some. That our influence by this style of bad music and I feel for our children sake. We need to censorship this type of music and who are we to say that this type of music does not influence our children? Are we willing to take that chance with our children's life? To me I'm not willing to take that chance with my child, as I rather be safe than sorry when it comes to my children's lives. The artist who writes this type of music do we really think they care. In my opinion I don't think so. If they did they would do something about it. Censorship doesn't hurt the artist and they still get paid. All er are asking is to help our children by keeping our minors from getting a hold of bad music. i don't think we are asking for too much for our children's future.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with you, that censorship, the removing or banning of certain material, in songs is very important so that our children don't listen to lyrics that are filled with violence and profanity and are sexually explicit. Even if they don't emulate the words of these horrible songs, it's stuck in their minds forever. It's kind of like when you see an incredibly scary movie and you can instantly picture certain disturbing scenes in your mind whenever you think about that movie. I hate when that happens! Certain songs are very disturbing and, unfortunately sometimes, in this country we are all about "freedom of speech" at any cost. Just because certain disturbed people enjoy violent lyrics, doesn't mean those songs should be out there. That type of music should, but won't be banned. Just hopefully people have the sense to put Parental Advisory labels on it. I think, if the material isn't banned, at least it should be in a section of the stores that only adults can enter. It's funny because I don't really think that many kids will actually emulate things in a song. I think it takes much more than listening to certain songs to make a kid violent or troublesome but, I don't think that violence and cursing in songs serves any useful purpose. It is just a symptom of people's imaginations and vocabulary being very limited. The most we can do, and I will continue to, is not listen to this type of music and steer my kids clear of it. Thanks for your blog!
