Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How else beside music do people find a way to converse without using words? I have found this question to be very interesting and very challening. This is why I choose this question to answer. I started to put my brain to work an dthis is what I came up with. Another way people communicate without using words is using body language. Some people use their hand gestures to talk to one another, for example the deaf people use sign language and other body languages wothout facial expressions. Another example is when we're happy we smile and our face lights att up. When we're happy and excited about something we may jump up and down and use all our body to express our excitement. When we're sad we express i with a sad look or hanging our head down or just be the tears that flow down our face, but tears may also be able to represent a sign of relief or tears of joy. Then we have to think about how these babies communicate with others, as their cries and tears are differnet then of an adult. Baby's tears if cry can mean their hungry or wet. Could be that they don't feel good or maybe just because they want attention. Then there's anger, people ahow their anger by giving the other person the slience treatment and then rolling their eyes. Other people do it by ballilng up their fist at us and stomping their feet and some people throw things. Then there's love, there's a lot of ways to show love withor using words. We could show love with lots of hugs and kisses. Holding someone's hand and comforting them or sharing a special dinner with that someone we may love dearly. Body language and gifts are a big way I communicate with my family an dfriends and especially doing things for them. Other ways that people communicate without words is through dancing. One culture I know that communicates a lot through dancing are the Indians, as they dance for joy and they dance for love. The Indians dance to their gods for wisdom and guidance and for rain so their crops woud grow to feed their people. They would dance before they send their hunters to hunt, so as we could see dancing is a big way of communicate for some cultures. Other ways people communicate is through art, as a lot of famous artist communicate through their art. Have we ever heard the saying, " a picture says a thousand words" and it's true if we take our time and look at some pictures then they tell a story. For example, in Egyptain time we could go in the Pharos Tombs and in the walls we would see pictures that tell the story of the Pharos life. As we could see there is a lot of ways to communicate without words. Giving special attention or giving a gift like a rose, because they may mean the world to us or opening the door for that someone special. Communicate without words is baking someone a cake for their birthday. Making love to your partner and makeing them feel loved. By caressing and holding them close, is a big way of communicating to soeone that you care for. As we can see there are many different ways we can converse with one another without using words.

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