Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Musical Library

The music I have in my Musicla Library is R&B, Country, Oldies and a lot of love songs. I have to say taking my time and going over my music collection, the music I like has to do with a lot of emotions. How a person feels about themselves and someone else that is in their life. How it feels to be in love and how much it hurts to fall out of ove. Some of my music is about the good and bad relationship we may go through in our lives.
The music talks about hoe much this special someone had captured my heart or how crazy in love I may have been with someone and who his eyes had st on someone else. Now some of the music I have tells a story about life in general, about family, growing up, and relationships. I have to say this type of music mostly comes from my country music collection. Like Patsy Cline, Barbra Mandrel, Kenny Rogers and my love songs come from all my collections. All this music touches me in so many different ways.
There are also certain songs in my collection that take me back in time, which reminds me of what I was going through and feeling at the time I heard that song. Some of the songs make me feel good inside and put a smile on my face and some make me cry. It's like as if the artist wrote those songs just for me. I have to say the way I choose my music through the years had to do with the way the lyrics of the songs touched me, as the music had to have a meaning in my life. The song either explained my feelings at the time or it lifted me up or it just brought joy and made me dance as if I had happy feet.
We could say when I was in a relationship I listen to a lot of love songs and when my heart was broken I listen to broken hearted love songs. These kinds of songs were mostly the oldies like songs that came stright from the heart.
Some of my music collections also had to do with the artist, as with how they sang the songs and their musical backgrouud. Also how they made it as a singer and how some of their songs had to do with their lives, as by knowing this about htem I could relate to the artist's music a lot more. I could tell that the lyrics of their songs came from deep down inside their soul, so when the artist sang the song they sang it with so much emotion to where I could tell what the artist was trying to say. The songs touched me in a big way, and knowing about the artist help me to relate to their music better.
The music that I have listened to throughout the years hasn't changed; just new artist and their songs have been added to my long collection of music. My style of music had stayed the same, as it is still R&B, Country, Oldies and love songs. This is the type of music that has made a difference throughtout my life and will continue to. Music will always be a big part in my life.

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