Thursday, March 25, 2010

I believe the king of pop Michael Jackson was portrayed by the press. Michael Jackson was one of the greatest entertainers ever, as he was so talented in so many ways. Anything he did that had to do with music turned into gold and his fans loved him both young and old. He was loved all over the world and he wasn't only loved for his music. He was loved for the person he was and the kind heart he had. The way he opened his heart to all the children of the world, as he showed that by his generosity. Michael opened his heart to the children, as you could hear it in some of his music and how much he cared about children. He himself was a child at heart and it's so sad that this negatively portrayed by the press. It started in the 80's when he came out with his hit album "Off the Wall". The press started to write about his facial features and how he changed his look. They started to print that he bleached his face because he didn't like his dark skin. The press made it to be a big thing and they went as far as to say he was a freak. Michael set the record straight when he let Oprah Winfrey interview one on one at his house. He told Oprah that he had a skin problem and that he wasn't beaching his skin. He had the interview with Oprah so he could let all the rumors the press was talking about to rest, but that didn't stop the press, anything they found strange about Michael they printed. The press found Michael weird and his relationship with Elizabeth Taylor, to his pet chimpanzee. They wouldn't leave Michael alone and Michael got so fed up that he wrote a song. All Leave Me Alone. Where in the music video it showed everything the press had been writing about him and how Michael was frustrated with it and he was telling the press just to leave him alone. After awhile the press layed off for a while but it was too late the damage was already done. People started to see him different as a freak and to me that made me mad and sad. The press didn't care what they were doing to the king of pop. All they could think about was selling newspapers. So what if Michael was different, different is good. He still was a man with a kind heart who wanted to make a difference in this world. He was a person who had a lot of love in his heart and it was so wrong what the press did to him. Just because he was different an like exotic things gave them no right to call him a freak, as he was just different. Then when he was brought up in child molestation charges the press had a field day. All eyes were on the king of pop, even after he was found innocent of all charges. He couldn't handle all the negativity the press was saying, so he did the next best thing he left and disappeared for a while. In Michael Jackson case I think that the press went way over board and cruel, just because he was different. Who made them judge and jury in this case they were way off base.


  1. Michael Jackson always seemed to be a truly generous and kind person who just wanted to make the world a better place with his music and his contributions. Over the years he gave so much money and time to worthwhile causes for children all over the world. Yet, sadly, after he was accused of child molestation, it was almost impossible for him to do the things he had been doing. Only Michael and those kids and God know exactly what happened and I have always been convinced that the people who accused him were just after his money. The press felt obligated to follow him and dig into the situation because that is what they do. But, there's no reason for the relentless ridicule he faced. He was a tortured, talented artist who was eccentric, no doubt but when people discussed his interviews where he proclaimed his innocence, they still labeled him a liar and a freak. It was really sad that they just never gave him a break. I hope that his close friends and family around him,gave him some comfort. I hope now that he is at peace and rest for eternity.

  2. I think that this is a great post and well stated. I agree the Michael Jackson was portrayed very negatively by the press. I really liked the way that you used the songs he wrote to make you point. I think that made your post sound so much stronger. It shows that your really looked into the subject, Great job.

    I also agree that he was a musical genius. I think that he was a little strange but the media amplified it. They took everything he did and twisted it to fit in to the Michael Jackson was a freak persona. They wanted to sell papers and they know that that would.

    I think that by following his every move he had to start doing things differently and that made the situation even worse. Then there was the whole molestation thing that happened. I don’t think he could have done anything to change the way the press portrayed him after that. Even though he was innocent he had to fight against what they were saying.

    I also find it very sad that they did not cover the good stuff he was doing. When they did here about the good stuff they still tried to turn it in to something bad. If he was working with kids it was molestation, if he did something with whit people it was because he was ashamed of being black and on and on.
